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Kurishin Empty Kurishin

Post by -Negative(LilTortillaBoy) Thu Nov 29, 2007 5:11 pm

Name - Kurishin
Type - Katana
Description -Look at my character pic and it looks like that.
Element - Lightning
Minimum Level - 7
Own by: Kijah-san.
How he happen to find/receive it: When Kijah was little he always loved going out in the thunder storms and watch how fast lightning was. He would listen to thunder fell the rain on his skin and closed his eyes and imagined what it would be like to be as fast as lightning. One thunder storm was greater than ever like heaven was mad and kept striking the earth with its lightning. Kijah quite enjoyed it. His mom didn't mind as long as he was out on the porch. But during that night Kijah saw an different looking lightning bolt in the shape of a sword. As if it were to be stabbed into the earth. Kijah without tell his mom started running to the spot where it hit. All that was running through his mind was "that was incredible i wonder what that was. Kijah finally got to the point there was a big hole smoke everywhere some trees burnt but not on fire. Kijah looked in the hole and there glowing so bright he had to turn away...was a sword. Kijah finally approached it and took it. He named it Kuishin for lightning sword.(i just made it up) But whenever it seems like he is trying to use it, it won't let him.But he keeps training to try to use it.(thats why is minimum lvl is 7)

Number of posts : 14
Age : 30
Location : in your closet
Registration date : 2007-11-26

Character sheet
Character Name: Kijah-san
Belles: 100
Class: Theif

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Kurishin Empty Re: Kurishin

Post by Firefly Thu Nov 29, 2007 5:24 pm

Congrats, this sword is yours, and only yours, unless you decide to sell it.

Number of posts : 88
Age : 29
Location : California
Registration date : 2007-11-22

Character sheet
Character Name: Zane
Belles: 100
Class: Ultima Paladin

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