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Some spells for mages

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Some spells for mages Empty Some spells for mages

Post by Madis Wed Nov 28, 2007 7:15 am

Name - Fireball
Class - Mage
Desciption - a usual fireball but its heat seems to be the same as used for cooking(fried chicken anyone?)

Name - Snowball
Class - Mage
Desciption - a usual frost spell. good for stopping snowmen from melting

Name - Forceball
Class - Mage
Desciption - a spell equal to a blunt weapon hit

Are these okay?


Number of posts : 62
Age : 28
Location : in your mind
Registration date : 2007-11-27

Character sheet
Character Name: Madis
Belles: 30
Class: Mage

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Some spells for mages Empty Re: Some spells for mages

Post by Lord Khriid Wed Nov 28, 2007 12:38 pm

Name - storm
Class - mage
Desciption - summons a thunderstorm above the target, causes considerable damage

Name - freezebolt
Class - mage
Desciption - sends a ray of freezing wind at the target freezing it and effectively killing an enemy, very high level

Name - summon dragon
Class - dark mage
Desciption - summons a large dragon to fight for you, the higher level you are the more damage the dragon does
Lord Khriid
Lord Khriid

Number of posts : 58
Age : 32
Location : gaia
Registration date : 2007-11-24

Character sheet
Character Name: joe Khriid
Belles: 100
Class: Mage

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Some spells for mages Empty Re: Some spells for mages

Post by Madis Wed Nov 28, 2007 1:02 pm

Name - Summon imp
Class - mage
Desciption - Summons a low level demon


Number of posts : 62
Age : 28
Location : in your mind
Registration date : 2007-11-27

Character sheet
Character Name: Madis
Belles: 30
Class: Mage

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Some spells for mages Empty Re: Some spells for mages

Post by Firefly Wed Nov 28, 2007 8:19 pm

Thanks guys, these are really helpful Smile

Number of posts : 88
Age : 29
Location : California
Registration date : 2007-11-22

Character sheet
Character Name: Zane
Belles: 100
Class: Ultima Paladin

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Some spells for mages Empty Re: Some spells for mages

Post by Nano Thu Nov 29, 2007 6:35 am

Name - Tidal
Class - Magus
Desciption - creates a tidal wave that hits all enemies on the field...

Name - Quake
Class - Magus
Description - creates a earthquake on the battlefield that hits all enemies and allies (more damage to enemies than allies)...

Name - Firestorm
Class - Sorceror
Desciption - creates a firestorm that sends fire raining down from the sky damaging all enemies...

Number of posts : 35
Age : 33
Location : Unknown
Registration date : 2007-11-26

Character sheet
Character Name: Nano
Belles: 100
Class: Mage

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Some spells for mages Empty Re: Some spells for mages

Post by Firefly Thu Nov 29, 2007 4:50 pm

thanks, and Nano, about the other jobs you were thinking about, I'm going to incorporate those somehow to traveling around the cities and the storyline, there are also going to be crusaders, Knights, and some others.

Number of posts : 88
Age : 29
Location : California
Registration date : 2007-11-22

Character sheet
Character Name: Zane
Belles: 100
Class: Ultima Paladin

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