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How Missions work

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How Missions work Empty How Missions work

Post by Firefly Mon Nov 26, 2007 5:42 am

Missions are one of the main ways ot gain XP points towards your character. First, you will see a mission like this one

A monster keeps coming near
our house and howling, and it
scares my daughter, can you
please help me get rid of it?

Diane, Worried Mother

Rewards - Simple Bow
20 belles

Co-op available -- No

XP Given - 75

You then have to post a reply saying that you want to accept the mission, its first come, first served, so if you see a mission that you like, you are going to want to accept it as soon as possible. Once someone completes a mission, the thread will be moved to the mission garbage, you might see the same mission again.

Well, thats how you accept a mission, and if you were wondering how to play your mission, look on the mission thread.

You can only accept two missions at any one time, so choose carefully, once you complete one mission you are able to accept another one, but if you accept more than two, your most recently accepted mission will be deleted or given to another user.

Number of posts : 88
Age : 29
Location : California
Registration date : 2007-11-22

Character sheet
Character Name: Zane
Belles: 100
Class: Ultima Paladin

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